Your Emotions

Identify and break your negative emotional patterns.

Your Emotions

We can’t strengthen our relationship to ourselves if we don’t understand our emotional patterns. There are two destructive habits when it comes to difficult emotions: Stuff them, or cling to them. . It’s important that we honor how we feel without getting stuck in a limited and negative vortex that hurts us. In this workshop, Jillian goes deep into describing the anatomy of an emotion and how our bodies, brains, and perceptions create all emotion. Be prepared to take inventory on the emotions you experience the most and how they both serve you and limit you. Where do you go to habitually when you’re stressed out? How often do you experience joy? You will learn how to work with tough emotions so that they don’t get stuck and disturb your life and relationships. As a bonus, this workshop will also give you important insight into the people in your life so you can relate to them better.

We recommend the workshops Fear, Self-Worth, and Boundaries to further your healing. Or get complete access to all the workshops in the Membership.

In order to complete this workshop, please have a device with access to WIFI, a pen, paper/journal and the proper time to dedicate to this deep inner work. We recommend listening/watching as many times as you need to allow the teachings to integrate into your nervous system.

Each focused workshop includes:


Approximately 90 minutes of in depth video training content including recorded Q&A.

Written portion

A detailed written training of additional key tools and journal prompts so you can read, write and learn.

Journal propts

Journal prompts to help you identify your patterns, fears, and beliefs as well as how they manifest in your life and in relationship.

30-Day Challenges

A 30 day “Apply It” suggestion so you can put to use what you’ve learned and watch your life change.

Video & Audio

Video and an audio only option that can be downloaded to your device

Your Emotions

Purchase workshop for access. For much more content, please see the membership offering. *Everything is final sale. Refunds not permitted.