What Happens When You End a Toxic Relationship?

woman who just ended a toxic relationship

Ending a toxic relationship can be scary because you don’t know what the future holds once it’s over. The way your life changes after can be startling and unexpected, especially if you were in the relationship for a long time.

The best way to prepare for the aftermath of a toxic relationship is to arm yourself with knowledge. Here are some of the things you can expect and emotionally prepare for.

You May Feel Like You Want to Go Back

Once you end a toxic relationship, you may feel like you made a big mistake. One of the things that make toxic relationships so toxic is co-dependency. The relationship makes you feel like you can’t make it alone. Your ex-partner may have also convinced you of that.

Don't give in to those feelings. Cutting the person off from your life completely can help.

You May Feel Like Your Experience Wasn’t That Bad

Once out, you may look back at your relationship and think that things weren’t that bad. Don't understate the negative things your partner did to you. The hurt doesn’t feel as bad because time and distance dulls the pain. You may also be minimizing your pain because that is something your ex-partner got you accustomed to. That is a habit you need to unlearn.

Thinking that things weren’t so bad puts you at risk of trying to contact your ex-partner. Therapy and a strong support network can prevent you from reframing your old relationship.

Things Get Worse Before They Get Better

After a toxic relationship, you’ll experience a lot of change. You may not adapt well to those changes and you may not feel okay for a while. Things might seem bleak and you may even feel like you’re worse off after ending the relationship. This is completely normal, especially if you loved your partner dearly.

Remind yourself that this turbulent time is only temporary. Things get worse before they get better. You will soon find yourself feeling a lot happier with time, patience, and self-love.

You May Feel Physically Ill

Toxic relationships take a lot out of you mentally, emotionally, and physically. While in the relationship, you are in survival mode. You're trying your best to navigate unhealthy dynamics without letting your life fall apart. This is why being in a toxic relationship is so stressful.

But long-term stress can be hard on your body. It can weaken your immune system and kickstart a slew of health problems that you may not notice until you are out of survival mode. Pay close attention to your health once your toxic relationship ends.

You May Not Feel Like Yourself

Toxic people often want to control their partners. Being under the control of someone else means that you can never be yourself. The longer you’re in the relationship, the more you forget who you were before you met your partner.

When you end the relationship, you may be surprised by who you truly are. Sometimes, people notice how amazing they are when they’re out of their ex-partner's control. Others might not like who they are. If you belong to the latter group, know that it’s possible to become someone you are proud of.



Why Is It So Hard to End a Toxic Relationship?


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