What Can I Do to Make My Relationship Stronger? 10 Strong Relationship Tips

couple in strong relationship

What Can I Do to Make My Relationship Stronger? 10 Strong Relationship Tips

Many people have asked themselves what to do to make a relationship stronger. While there’s certainly no drag-and-drop rule that can perfectly determine the steps you need to take to make a relationship stronger, there are a few things you can do to strengthen your relationship overall even if you’ve already got a good relationship.

If you’re frantically searching, “Ways to make my relationship stronger,” here are 10 ways to help boost the strength of your connections.

1. Determine What You Mean By “How to Make Your Relationship Stronger”

Obviously, you want to set out parameters for what you’re hoping to achieve. “Stronger” doesn’t mean the same thing for everyone. 

  • Do you want to generally improve your relationship?

  • Are you hoping to allow yourself to be vulnerable around your partner more frequently?

  • Do you want it to be easier to spend time apart from your partner?

A direct and clear indication of what you want from your connection will help you build a strong relationship that you actually enjoy being in.

2. Prepare Yourself for How to Stay in a Relationship

It’s not always easy to stay in a relationship while you’re working on it. Marriage fitness is hard, and as you’re trying to create a better emotional connection, you may find that other elements of your marriage are more difficult. Recognize that all relationships have to go through difficult times, and that what makes a relationship strong is your ability to persevere through them. 

3. Read Up on Many Things to Do to Make a Relationship Stronger

You shouldn’t assume that reading one article about “How to make a relationship grow stronger” will immediately give you the insight that will completely change your connection. 

Allow yourself to go through all sorts of resources on what makes love strong. Read dozens of articles from relationship experts and people who currently have a healthy relationship. Not every article will include something earth-shattering, but they’ll all typically give you some marriage advice that you can take with you.

4. Bring Your Partner in to Talk About How to Make Your Relationship Strong Again

Making relationships strong takes two people. You shouldn’t just be asking “What can I do to make my relationship stronger” - instead, invite your partner to the table and look for “How to make our relationship stronger.” Ask how your partner feels about what you hope to try, and make sure that you’re letting your partner communicate openly with you about it. 

Remember, you and your partner both just want to feel loved. You can tell your partner what you’re doing and foster healthy communication for the two of you.

5. Request Friends and Family’s Help With How to Make a Relationship Stronger

Having other married couples in your life can be massively helpful when you’re trying to bolster your relationship strength. After all, asking “How do I make my relationship stronger?” is much easier when you have an actual person there to talk to you about it. Plus, family and friends can act as a reminder of happy couples, especially if you and your partner are having a hard time.

6. Recognize the Importance of Physical Intimacy in How to Make Love Stronger in a Relationship

While it’s true that physical intimacy can’t solve everything in a relationship, physical affection can be a crucial element of making your relationship stronger. If you or your partner struggle with this, you may want to set aside some time for daily physical affection. This doesn’t mean you and your partner have to have sex every single day, but date nights and simple gestures can go a long way toward inspiring emotional intimacy.

7. Make Sure You’re Able to Recognize Red Flags When Researching How to Make Your Love Life Stronger

As you’re looking into, “How can you make your relationship stronger?” you might gloss over a completely different problem. Focusing on the positive is generally a good idea, but if your partner is refusing to fight fairly, not engaging in setting goals, and tries to resolve conflict by guilt-tripping you, there’s a problem. That’s something you need to stand up against.

8. Give Yourself Time Apart From Your Partner From Time to Time

Obviously, spending quality time with your partner is important. However, a strong relationship should also be able to weather you and your partner being apart from each other from time to time. 

Saying goodbye doesn’t always have to be a painful, long-lasting experience. Spend time on your own occasionally, even if that just means you’re spending the day in different rooms. Make sure to have some quality time with yourself.

9. Try to Keep Lines of Communication Open as You Navigate How to Build Your Relationship Stronger

Communication makes relationships stronger. The better you and your partner are able to communicate, the more you will be healthy and happy with your relationship. Different people are going to communicate differently in a romantic relationship, so try not to pigeonhole you or your partner in. Just recognize the importance of communication, and prioritize communicating in all things as you work on your relationship.

10. Build on Your Own Health as You Consider Things to Do to Make Your Relationship Stronger

Your health is one of the most important tools you can have as you try to make your relationship stronger. An emotionally intelligent person will quite simply be better at managing a relationship than someone who’s never worked on their own emotional intelligence. 

The Conscious Woman by Jillian Turecki can help with this dramatically. Set aside just a bit of time to learn more about yourself. You’ll feel better and act better, and that will mean you’ll relate to your partner better.


Relationships become stronger through a variety of steps. Of course, talking to your partner is one of the most important you can do (and having other happy married couples around doesn’t hurt), but just working on yourself can be crucial. 

As time goes by, you’ll find that the best way to make your relationship as strong as possible will be to work together and remember that you’re both in this for the same reason. You’re both fighting the same fight against the same enemy, and defeating that enemy just means growing closer together.


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