5 Ways to Get Out of a Toxic Relationship When You Still Love Them

Toxic relationships are hard to let go of because they are the source of negative and positive experiences in your life. You still love the person despite all the harm they’ve caused and the thought of leaving them hurts.

But if you’re thinking of leaving a toxic relationship, it’s for a reason. Deep down, you know that there are better times ahead if you can end the relationship. Here are 5 things you should remind yourself of if you want to get out of a bad relationship with someone you love:

Recognize That You Can Still be Happy Without Them

Love can make us feel like our partner is the only one that can make us happy. You have to recognize that this isn’t true. There are a lot of people out there with whom you can form a connection.

The end of one relationship isn’t the end of all the love and comfort in your life. You can find all of that and much more in a healthier relationship.

Ask Yourself If You Really Love Them

Do you really love your partner or do you love what they provide? Sometimes, we stay in relationships longer than we need to because they provide us with comfort, someone to talk to, or social status as a “partnered person”.

Take a good, long look at the person you’re with and think about the emotions they make you feel. Sometimes, that feeling has little to do with love and more to do with what you’ll lack if you’re not with them. Recognize that difference. Once you do, you’ll have an easier time leaving.

Recognize That the Bad Times Aren’t Worth the Good Times

Just because you’re not miserable all the time doesn’t mean the relationship is worth staying in. The good in the relationship does not justify the bad. The love you feel for them is tarnished by the hurt they continuously cause.

Yes, relationships aren’t always going to be sunshine and rainbows. They are tough and partners hurt each throughout the relationship. But in a healthy relationship, nobody hurts each other intentionally. If you tell your partner that they need to stop hurting you and they never respect that, you shouldn’t give your heart over to such maliciousness.

Recognize That Some Things Can’t be Fixed

Sometimes, love isn’t enough to change a person. The love you feel for them might make you believe that you need to work on changing things for the better.

However, you shouldn’t sacrifice so much of your happiness for a person that doesn’t want to change their ways. It isn’t your job to teach a grown adult how to not be toxic.

Understand That Time Heals All Wounds

Leaving someone you love is hard. At the time, it may feel like waves of grief are constantly crashing over you. Over time, those waves will be less frequent and less violent. Before you realize it, you’ll find yourself wading in peaceful waters.


How Do You Know When to End a Toxic Relationship?


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